Articles on: Zixty Miles

How do you calculate the Carbon emitted and the number of trees to be planted?

We use the government DVLA records to know how much carbon your car produces per Km of driving. We then multiple this by the length of your trip. This is the figure we use to calculate the amount of carbon we will offset.
For each policy we create a maximum cap we will offset and this is currently 100 miles for each calendar day of cover.
At the end of your policy, we calculate the total CO2 you generated in Kg (within the mileage cap) and then divide this by 21 to get the number of trees we need to have planted to offset your carbon. A fully grown tree can absorb 21 Kg of carbon a year hence the use of this figure. This also means that the eventual offset from trees we plant will be much higher than the carbon you generated.

Updated on: 05/08/2022